Reclamation Street is a curated marketplace celebrating the Asian-American experience. As a one-stop-shop, we help you discover inspiring products and brands built by Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) business owners. The products on our marketplace thoughtfully combine elements of family tradition, multicultural storytelling, and conscious consumption. We have researched and tested - and come to love - each of the products on our site, and we're excited to share them with you.
As someone who immigrated to America as a child, the hyphenated cultural experience shapes the core of my identity. Growing up in California, I stayed connected to Hong Kong and my family’s culture through my parents’ recipes and herbal remedies, speaking Cantonese in our household, and watching films from legendary directors like Ann Hui and Wong Kar Wai.

A few years ago, after witnessing recent waves of anti-Asian discrimination in the U.S., I noticed that new businesses, founded by other immigrants of my generation, shared a drive to connect our culture with the world we live in now. Similar to the way I’ve updated my grandmother’s jook recipe (also known as congee or rice porridge) and talk about my mom anytime I make wonton, these founders boldly recall meaningful moments from their childhood and culture with curious audiences. I love learning about their products, hearing why they started their businesses, and in doing so, getting to know more about other parts of this diverse, diasporic world. Most specifically, I love how these businesses are uniquely shaped by the complexities, challenges, and beauty of the hyphenated experience.

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